Why Join Special Interest Groups?

  • Access to relevant tools and resources
  • Attends events and training at discounted price
  • Internship and employability skills programs
  • Gain real life experience through life changing events
  • Enjoy mentor relationship and networking opportunities
  • Receive industry publications addressing failed and successful business
  • Become part of Startup Soar global community and gain insights about starting, growing and expanding your business

Special Interest Groups (SIG)
During Startup Soar monthly events, participants are divided into Special Interest Groups as described below. Each participant is given the opportunity to identify their business challenges and each Special Interest Group discuss and proffer practical solutions to their existing challenges.

Special Interest Groups (SIG)

SIG – Entrepreneurs Starting New Businesses
  • Business Unknown. Individuals who aspire to be entrepreneurs because of unemployment, tired of the 9-5 job or want to pursue their dreams. How do you figure out what you’re passionate about?
  • Starting New Business. Entrepreneurs who already discovered their dreams and what they aspire to do. How can entrepreneurs launch their business ideas?
SIG – Entrepreneurs Growing Existing Businesses
  • Surviving Business. Entrepreneurs who have existing business. Why do entrepreneurs struggle to survive in business and what are the gaps?
  • Business Sustainability. Entrepreneurs who are making little progress. How can entrepreneurs experience consistent business success?
SIG – Entrepreneurs Seeking to Expand their Businesses
  • Thriving Business. Entrepreneurs who have stability in business. What should entrepreneurs consider before expanding their business locally and globally?
How to Join Soar Community

To join, please tell us more about yourself and your business by filling the form below. You can also whatsapp/call +2348178848227 or email us at startupsoar@gmail.com

Join Soar Community

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